Tuesday, January 18, 2011

New Year's Resolutions - Are you still committed?

It's that time in January where some people are now starting to stray away from those resolutions that they were so gung-ho about just a week ago.  So what was your resolution?  Probably one of the following:  to lose weight, to eat healthier, to exercise more or to spend more time focused on your children...
So, get your butt off the couch and get moving!  Stop making excuses!!  No matter what the resolution is you need to make a list, trust me it helps.  If your goal is to eat healthier - make a menu for the rest of the week - right now, then make a grocery list and get to the store.  Stick to the outside aisles and stick to your list.  Use your most perishable items earlier in the week so you are not throwing money out the window. 
If your goal is to spend more time focused on your children, stop right now and decide what one thing you can do TONIGHT as a family - play a game, build a snowman, play sports on the wii, read a book.  It doesn't matter how big or small it is, what matters to your children is that you took 5, 10, 15 minutes and focused on them.  Don't answer the phone, don't look at the computer just focus on them.
The most important thing you need to do now that you've decided what you need to do to stick to your resolution is to find someone, anyone, to hold you accountable.  Tell that person what your plan is for this week and then ask them to call you on it.  A couple times over the course of the week they need to ask you - What did you eat today?  Did you go to the gym today?  What did you do with your kids today?
Good luck - I know you can do it!!

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